Meeting notes 2018 11 04

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This page is dedicated to our meeting on 11/4/2018 which was hold at our #foodhackingbase channel at oftc network, IRC. Next meeting on Sunday 11th of November at 20h00, same place.

Present: Jglauche, Bigmac, Algoldor


  • Bee activities: discussing the possibility of screening of the bees by projector as background and related activities, possibly a mead tasting.
  • Bigmac, checking on the status of current fhb budget, it should be ready for next meeting.
  • Algoldor, has to decided if to do woodhackingbase and make workshop tables etc or rent some tables from company
  • Internet connection - fhb needs to ask ccc assembly team to get a wired connection. Phones may be back up option.
  • Jglauche suggests to have one table just for fhb people, no food, only computers. Algoldor suggest to have fhb terminal there (linux) and our printer properly connected and functional (tonner should be around 70-80% full).
  • For people missing tickets to 35c3, they should get ready for Thursday 8th of November
  • FHB Crowdsourcing campaign for 35c3. Algoldor should be able to make a template before 11/11/2018 but can not really promote before 26/11/2018 - apple harvest season.
  • Algoldor needs to ask the orga about spot for "trailer" and electricity connection so we can use it as a sleeping spot, max for two.
  • jglauche reminds that we need to get our login details back to our uberspace account so we can, among the other stuff, do changes to our wikies