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Algoldor picture san cristobal ik.jpg

Algoldor or in full Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck. By profession I'm "kvasir" or fermentologist if you like. I've been gathering knowledge and experience in variety of the places around globe focusing on cider making in the past years. I'm participating in the hacker movement supporting it's openness, versatility and potential to improve the life on this planet both through it's global "touch" but also the impact on the local scale promoting sustainability, independence and self governing. Some of the personal reasons would be to keep in touch with the technological development in the "open way" and also liking the "brainy touch" or "eccentricity", which I became accustomed during my years in fundamental scientific research (bio, biotechnology). I'm promoting the use of ancient arts combining it with the new ones.

I'm one of the co-founding members of Food Hacking Base (fhb) so happy to be here!

If you would like know more about me and my activities, please check my personal pages and if you would like to get in touch send an email to: algoldor "you know the sign"

News Letters

On this page you can find list of my newsletters.


Private Activities