Recipe:Dark beer

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This section is about developing a dark beer recipe, including the process and necessary equipment, it was updated on 16/1/2015.

Brewing LOGs

Dark beer recipe experiments of Algoldor - Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck where you can see more detailed brewing LOG of these experiments.

Dark Beer Brewing - Short Summary 14/1/2016

After several experiments I've decided for this composition of ingredients for the dark beer which I was aiming for which has around alcohol per volume concentration 6% (alc), original gravity of 1.05 and bitterness of 25 IBU. Batch size (culture volume Vc) is 13 l, fermented up to 20°C.

  • Malts composition:
    • 26.9% (w/v; 3500 g) of Pilsner malt
    • 5.4% (w/v; 700 g) of Munich malt
    • 1.6% (w/v; 210 g) of caramunich 3
    • 1.6% (w/v; 210 g) carafa2 (steeped separately)
    • 0.54% (w/v; 70 g) cara aroma
  • Hops composition:
    • 0.32% (w/v; 42 g) of East Kent Golding 4.66% of aa
  • Yeast type
    • Salfbrew T-58

Info on the First and Original Dark Beer Brewing 18/1/2015

Below are summarized aims, progress and results of this particular one can even say peculiar experiment.

Original aims
  • Basic conditions desired: alcohol per volume 6% (alc), original gravity of 1.05, bitterness of 30 IBU
  • Brew size (culture volume Vc) - Vc = 14 l
  • Malts composition:
    • 25% (w/v; 3500 g) of Pilsner malt
    • 5% (w/v; 700 g) of Munich malt
    • 1.5% (w/v; 210 g) of caramunich 3
    • 1.5% (w/v; 210 g) carafa2 (steep separate?)
    • 0.5% (w/v; 70 g) cara aroma
  • Hops composition:
    • 0.3% (w/v; 42 g) of Kent golding 4-5% of aa
  • Yeast type
    • Safbrew T-58
  • Fermentation temperature 20°C

Original Recipe

This is original brewing procedure based on original recipe, for further experiments please check here.

Batch size = 10 l; 6% alcohol content (6% (w/v) alc.)


  • 25% (w/v; 2500 g) of Pilsner malt
  • 5% (w/v; 500 g) of Munich malt
  • 1.5% (w/v; 150 g) of caramunich 3
  • 1.5% (w/v; 150 g) carafa2 (steep separate?)
  • 0.5% (w/v; 50 g) cara aroma


0.3% (w/v; 30 g) Kent Golding 4-5% of aa (20 g added at time 0 of rolling boil; 10 g added 5 min before the end of the rolling boil)

Yeast Safbrew T-58 (15-23°C temperature range, aiming for temperature at 20°C)

Specific gravity of the wort

Specific gravity of the wort - 1.050 SG (or original gravity 1.050)


Bitterness of the wort - 30 IBU

Original Brewing procedure
  • 7 l of hot water --> 20-25°C higher than you aim for mashing (will cool down when added to the malt so around 95°C)
  • 2.5 kg of Pilsner malt, 1 kg of Munich malt, 150 g of caramunich 3, 150 g of carafa 2, 50 g cara aroma (all malt crashed/ground in advance) --> add slowly malt to the water mixing a lot avoiding a “dough balls”
  • prepare the insulated vessel (mash tun) with false bottom and transfer the mash gently to it avoiding compacting the mash - the liquid has to flow through in order to create the “filter bed”
  • let the mash react keeping the temperature below 69°C (157°F) for one hour
  • make sure that you have adequate amount of water heated up to the desired temperature (around 75°C (167°F)) of around 18 l volume to be sure
  • after one hour of mashing, begin to establish the filter bed adding water at 75°C starting therefore the process of lautering
  • the flux of liquid should be slow and the resulting liquid (wort) should be clean - first few litres will have probably debris in it before the filter bed establishes properly, flush it through the mash again (heat it up in a pan to the proper temperature)
  • add the hot water to the top of the mash (which is called sparging) slowly not to disturb the filter bed, keep the level of the liquid at least 5 cm above the mash at all times
  • when adding the hot water avoid temperatures above 75°C (167°F) otherwise tannins are going to leach into the wort. If you over sparge, which means adding hot water when the sugars are already mostly gone, tannins will be released too, efficiency of sugar leaching should be between 80-90%
  • continue collecting the the wort and transfer it to the brew kettle bringing as quickly as possible to the boil so it is ready for the hops to be added without additional waiting
  • when rolling boil of the wort is reached add 20 g of Kent Golding hop pellets (4-5% of aa) and keep at rolling boil for 90 min - bittering hops
  • 15 minutes before the heat switched off submerge clean wort chiller into the brew to sanitize it
  • add 10 g of Kent Golding hop pellets to the wort for the last 5 min of the rolling boil before switching the heat off
  • when you stop the rolling boil after 90 min you should have 9-10 l volume of wort at specific gravity of 1.050 SG (original gravity, needs to be cooled to 20-25°C
  • apply cold water to the wort chiller submerged in the wort cooling down the batch as quickly as possible
  • when the batch is at 18°C transfer the wort into the fermentation vessel first creating the vortex which accumulates the hops in the middle of the vessel (or use the sterilized/sanitized straining bag) siphoning the wort by tube or use sanitized pot to transfer it
  • use sanitized aeration stone to aerate the wort in the fermentation vessel for 40 minutes or so and
  • in the meanwhile dehydrate and activate the Safbrew T-58 yeast adding the yeast to the 100 ml of cold water
  • for the last time measure specific gravity of the wort and note it
  • add the yeast to the wort, install the airlock and let the brew ferment at temperature of 20°C

Shopping options available in South Korea

Below you can find the shopping list of ingredients and equipment which I'm after (Algoldor, please let me know if something is missing, so far I got all and more except the false bottom.

Beer ingredients and equipment shopping list