Meeting notes 2019 05 29

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Here are our meeting notes from 29/5/2019, IRC, #foodhackingbase channel at OFTC network.

People present: Bigmac, Jglauche, Kliment, Algoldor


  • FHB meeting times - for now Monday's at 20h30 at IRC, oftc network, #foodhackingbase channel
  • Bigmac signed up fhb village for the camp, we are in touch with fengel from the power team, hopefully the 22000 kw which we asked for will be available, we have to wait and see depending on our placement.
  • Most likely arrivals: fenkt earliest on 4th, bigmac on 14th, jglauche possibly 17/18th, algoldor possibly 14th if not earlier.
  • cooling trailer - for now planning to rent it for 9 days, l = 3 m, b = 1.5 m and h = 2 m for around 65€ per day, sharing place which we do not need with the villages and projects around. Algoldor will make an update before Monday 3rd of June meeting about the amount of space which he needs for probiotic drinks everywhere project. He will cover space needed for the project from his pocket.
  • concerning food preparation, serving and eating, fhb will have it's own place
  • we plan on sharing dish cleaning facility with Milliways if they are next to us
  • in general sharing our resources with near by projects is desired as usually but keeping our independence
  • fhb needs to sort out PayPal account for receiving donations from crowdsourcing campaign, Bigmac's account is no longer available.
  • Preliminary the crowdsourcing campaign for the CCC camp starts on 5/7/2019.