Advanced brewing mch2022
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To secure spot on this workshop please sign in here.
If you are into the brewing and you have been fermenting some time this workshop is exactly for you, however if you are a beginner but really interested and it seems like there are some spots left well pop in too. Depending on who turns up preferably it is less a workshop and rather discussion and sharing experience. You should already know a bit what is going on, sugars are being broken down by microbes on different compounds like lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol and so on. We will be doing decent amount of tasting including milk kefir based cultures, water kefir, kombucha but lets hope also for some more exotic ones like shindary - non alcoholic version of magkeolli both made from nuruk)(Japanese versions would be amazake and sake made from ipku/koji Aspergillus oryzae), atole and more, comparing therefore variety of cultures and flavours plus we will be discussing different brewing techniques, issues et cetera. I Algoldor would like to include this time some "fun" hands on activities for you, like opening over-pressured bottles etc. Please note that we will be going not only through non alcoholic drinks but also some alcoholic beverages like magkeolli, cidre and I believe we will have also some fermented snacks. Of course with a wide range like this any help in organization and beverage preparation is most appreciated and please do bring some of the treasures of yours, it is gold don't hide it in your cellars and fridges, let it shine (or stink, what ever)!
As with other workshops I lead it is donation based, no one turned away for lack of funds. During the years I've found out that if people donate between €5 to €15 in average per person it is fine, if you can more well don't be shy :-) Some of the beverages will be part of our Probiotic drinks everywhere project (pde) and therefore available at our beverage fridge for donation.
Some resources: