Meeting notes 2017 12 10
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Here you can find agenda and meeting notes from our gathering on Sunday 10/12/2017 at our #foodhackingbase channel at oftc network, IRC.
People present: mrgnz, jglauche, Algoldor
- transport of fhb equipment - all Algoldor's stuff and fhb stuff needed for 34c3 at bigmac's garage should fit to our empty trailer
- cheese tasting - Kliment can maybe get scamorza, original one from South Italy, bigmac suggest another truffle cheese and old (100 day old) Dutch goat cheese - 'grand cru', with crystals, tête de moine, cheese crystals,
- asking more details about fhb presence at 34c3. Especially we need to know how is the water supply - do we need to bring all our piping, pump, barrel, sink etc. or not? Ask about the power which we get, 16 amp or 32 amp so we know which distribution box we need.