Instant Ramen Powder Workshop (38C3)

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Event in Fhb 38c3


We'll be making homemade powders for "instant" ramen

Where to sign up

I'm doing two workshops with 10 participants max. each

Signup here for day 2 or here for day 3.

When, where

Day 2 16:30

Day 3 16:30

at FoodHackingBase at 38C3

How / Workshop

In this workshop, I am going to show you how to make stock and 'instant' ramen powders yourself and cook some "instant" ramen. I am putting instant in quotes because we're not making the pasta, we're using store-bought mie or ramen noodles that need to cook for just a few minutes.

You'll be making your own ramen powder with the ingredients of your choice. Culinary help is available!

At the end, you're invited to make your own portion of ramen.

Workshop layout:

0. Setup, make everyone have a container, each spice have a spoon and everyone have their own mixing spoon

1. Discuss motivation, dietary requirements, the goal of each participant.

2. Quick overview of what makes a good ramen powder:

  • Base flavors
    • onion
    • garlic
    • paprica
    • tomato powder (umami base)
    • mushroom powders (umami base)
    • or curry powders being a good mix as a start
  • Salt
    • we need salt for flavor
    • you can use sugar to balance the salt / use less salt
  • Oil component
    • Oil is important for flavor, but we're adding this at cooking step
      • ideally we heat up the spices in oil
    • You can cook it in peanut butter for example for a rich flavor
    • Or add the oil of your choice (i.e. Olive Oil, pumpkin seed oil, sesame oil, ...) or components that melt like cheese

3. Create your own mix (you add other spices to your liking and ), mix a small tasting test with hot water

4. When you're done, make an "instant ramen" dish [this may take a while, participants may need to wait for the burner to free up]

Please bring to Workshop

- Please bring your own pen

- Please bring your own container. to take your spice powder home with you. As a backup we will likely have small bags.

- Bring whatever fancy ingredient you would like to add yourself and/or share.

- If you require gluten free noodles, bring your own


I am a person who is sensitive to elevated levels of monosodium glutamate (MSG), especially if they're added via pure MSG powder or yeast extracts. Furthermore, I wanted to make powders I can use both like vegetarian stock powders and for instant ramen that are safe for me, quick to make and don't have any added aroma.

Ingredients / Allergies

I am bringing the following ingredients: [Note for anyone who's allergic to any of those, that they can be airborne - Notify me before to not get them on the table]

- onion powder

- tomato powder

- garlic powder

- smoked paprica powder

- spinach powder

- madras curry powder

- mushroom powders

- fenugreek

- blue fenugreek

- macis powder

- peanut butter

- cashew butter

- unrefined sugar

and many more from my spice rack.

FHB equipment needed

A4 paper, pens, wide cups, lots of spoons, electric kettle, 2 burners, donation jar