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Revision as of 11:45, 31 August 2015

This section should give you basic idea of how much finances we need for what, when and how do we plan to get it. We are independent project, what we need we need to rise first.

The total budget for MRMCD 2015 will be within €1000. We aim for €500 to have ready before the event starts, which we call start up budget = €500. This will be raised by bitcoin and PayPal donations. This sum will not most likely cover all spendings before the Day 0, day before the congress starts. We may be few hundreds in minus at the beginning of the event. We should be able to keep our spendings within €300 during the event, that will be our operational budget = €300. We will need around €200 to wrap everything up and transport our gear where needed, so tear down budget = €200. Our goal for rising up cash in donations is around €400-600 during the event, hoping to end up with around €500 in plus after all packed, delivered to the final locations and all paid, €250 minimum, therefore surplus donations = €250-500.

For more information please contact the food hacking base orga at admin at or the treasurer Bigmac.

Here is a draft of the budget:

Budgeting for the event

Budget title (€) Amount of cash aimed for (€) Received (€) Still to get (€)
Start up budget 500 0 500
Operational Budget 300 0 300
Tear Down Budget 200 0 200
Surplus donations 1000 0 1000
TOTAL 1000 0 1000

Start up Budget We need money to rent, buy and set up what is necessary to make fhb happen and be ready for Day 0 which is Thursday 3dh of September. Start up budget is exactly for this. At the moment we are advancing money which we do not have asking favours from our members and supporters, so we need to rise the funds as soon as possible because these funds needs to be returned before the end of the event and we should actually avoid this scheme all together.

Operational Budget These are funds needed during the event from the Day 0 till Day 3 when the congress finishes, these spendings should be within €300. They include our investments into food ingredients especially, but also things like, fuel for trips for shopping et cetera. We will get this money from donations during the event - our presentation venue, workshops, theme dinners, main party etc. We should get around €400-600 in donations during the event.

Tear Down Budget For taking care about disposal/redistribution of leftovers and transporting and storing our gear, €200 eu of tear down budget shoul do.

Surplus Donations At the end of this event, we will end up with some cash in our hand = surplus donations. We aim for €500, €250 minimum. This money will be used for fhb related activities after the event like delivering our gear to their homes, paying for our server, some projects of interests and of course for the next event.

Donations and expenses" during the event We will be monitoring again our spending&gains before, during and after the event, sharing the info hopefully in a close to real time fashion, Google doc may be used again as for 31c3 and CCC 2015 camp. Dedicated person/s should be volunteering for this helping therefore to the treasurer. It would be amazing if we could have the finances closed by last day of the congress, at the evening or night knowing what is the the balance at that moment and add an extra section "after the camp" for tear down and final counting for later on.