Cheese rendezvous 37c3

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To secure spot on the Session I. (Day 2, 20h30) please sign in here.

To secure spot on the Session 2. (Day 3, 20h30) please sign in here.

Each cheese tasting session is open to 25 people max, please do sign in advance, you can just show up before the event but we are very likely going to be full for this one (like three times overbooked). If you can bring cheese which you made by yourself that would be great! Of course some specific local or extraordinary cheese/s or other related condiments like sun dried tomatoes, good quality olives, mustards, wine all would be appreciated. If you are bringing cheese please do label it well with at least it's name and type of milk used, your nick or name/contact would come handy too. The best would be of course to add short description to our wiki (please check the sample). Still please sign in in advance! FHB will be getting some high quality cheeses to offer basic selection with other samples surrounding it plus some basic condiments. Note that due to the interest in previous years we are going to run two sessions, each one lasting for about two hours or bit over.

This event is based on donation at your will no one turned away for lack of funds.

So lets meet all together again enjoying these lovely creations! Here you can find cheeses which are going to be present, please do add your ones and keep in mind that good half of the cheeses will be not listed here, they will just appear and they are worth of your attention!

List of possible candidates

Please fill out the table as complete as you can, as it can help people with allergies.

Put a ✔in the Vega column if the cheese is not using any animal-derived rennet.

Cheese Name Amount Country of origin Type Consistency Age Milk Fat Vega Cost User Notes
Niva 400g Czech Republic blue cheese soft Cow Algoldor Famous Czech blue or rather green mold cheese, copy of Roquefort.
Eidam 360g Czech Republic gouda semi-hard Cow 30% Algoldor This cheese is Czech version of Dutch Edammer.
Morbier 200g France Morbier soft Cow 45% vrs
Smoked Emmentaler 400g Germany? emmental semi-hard Cow vrs Tastes exactly what it sounds like.
Medium-old mountain cheese 200g Germany/Austria mountain cheese semi-hard Cow vrs reference mountain cheese
Old mountain cheese (regular) 350g Germany/Austria mountain cheese hard Cow vrs Ideally this one goes into a batch of Kasspatzn - I'm bringing enough mountain cheeses that we can use one for cooking.
Old mountain cheese with herbs inside 250g Germany/Austria mountain cheese hard Cow vrs Mountain cheese with nettles and wild garlic. Very ripe.
Alpenparmesan 200g Germany/Austria hard to classify hard Cow vrs Made like a Parmesan, but where they make the mountain cheeses. Comes out looking and tasting a bit like Mimolette.
Mountain cheese / Emmentaler hybrid 200g Germany/Austria hard to classify soft Cow vrs Mixed Emmentaler/mountain cheese culture. Softer and stickier than either.
Mountain cheese with flower crust 200g Germany/Austria mountain cheese semi-hard Cow vrs By now a classic in German bougie supermarkets, quite popular.
Mountain cheese with parsley 200g Germany/Austria mountain cheese semi-hard Cow vrs Like the old mountain cheese with herbs, but much younger.
Mountain cheese with fenugreek 200g Germany/Austria mountain cheese semi-hard Cow vrs By now you're familiar with the genre :)
Mystery goat blue cheese 150g Italy ? soft Goat vrs I don't actually know what this is, I just picked it up on the way here
Leipajuusto 708g Finland hard to classify semi-hard not aged Cow 22% jaga traditional Finnish bread cheese, made with unpasteurized milk
Leipajuusto 400g Finland hard to classify semi-hard not aged Cow jaga lactose-free version
Flavored grilled cheese 100g Japan halloumi-like hard not aged Cow jaga Cheese snack with yuzukousho flavor
Saint Agur 200g France blue cheese soft 3 months Cow vrs
Brie de meaux 200g France white mold cheese soft 6-8 weeks Cow vrs
Soft washed rind cheese 200g France washed rind cheese extra soft aged ? vrs
Gouda 200g Netherlands gouda semi-hard not aged Cow jaga
Gouda 200g Netherlands gouda hard 3 years Cow vrs
Emmental 200g Germany/Switzerland emmental semi-hard not aged Cow jaga
Emmental 200g Germany/Switzerland emmental semi-hard aged Cow vrs
Truffle cheese 200g Germany ? semi-hard ? ? vrs
Kasar Peyniri 400g Germany/Turkey kasseri semi-hard not aged Cow 45% vrs
Kasar Peyniri 400g Germany/Turkey kasseri semi-hard not aged Cow 45% vrs Lactose-free
Polooštiepok údený 150g Slovakia semi-hard Cow Smoked cheese, donated by a visitor.
Mont d'or au lait cru 200g France white mold cheese soft Cow 45% Inga
Époisses (liquid state) 100g France red mold cheese soft Cow