2021 cider tour
On this page you can find more detailed info about the 2021 Cider Tour which I, [User:Algoldor|František Algoldor Apfelbeck]] organize. The main goal is to promote and sell my cider and related products through cider presentation and cider tastings alias "Cider Flows". I could not help my self so yes I will do also "other" fermentation activities like kombucha, kefir, natto and other workshops but as a side activity. My main hope is to find long term vending points like restaurants, bars, bio-shops, cavist (off licenses/shops specialized on high quality alcohol) and of course sell also in the meanwhile to end customers at the events. I need help from the people in the hacker movement to help me to find place for my presentation and workshop activity at their community and promote it a bit, plus help me to get in touch with the local slow&bio movement and vendors in general.