Here you can soon find the crowd funding and presale campaign for 2020 cider season and more.
Campaign status
- Total amount desired: ?? 000.00€
- Number of donations: 1
- Total amount received/pledged: 5000.00€
- Started 26/2/2021
- Updated 19/2/2021
There are three principal goals which I want to fund by this crowd-funding&sale campaign. First is to complete the 2020 cider season. This includes production part, bottling&distillation and preparition for commercialization, setting up "Cidrerie Jara" business pages and online shop. This is the primary goal for which I need around ???€. Secondly I would like to cover at least some of the costs related to 2019 cider season and me devoting to that activity, in total I still owe around 12 000€, which needs to be paid by August 2021. Last but not least I want to progress with preparation for 2021 season. This translates to setting up small temporary living&working base for me and people who would like to join me and help me with my projects. So to summarize completion of 2020 cider season, covering some of the costs related to 2019 cider season and preparation of living&working base for 2021 season. My long term goal is to steadily increase ratio of funds gained by selling my products and services, making the business generating resources and for special innovative projects keep the crowd-funding campaign spirit.
You can donate in the following ways:
- Bank transfer (preferred) to Frantisek Apfelbeck's (Algoldor's) bank account:
- IBAN : FR76 1660 6100 1084 8435 1462 511
- Please add the description "cidre2020" plus "perk name" if you claim one
- Bitcoin donation receiving address (Algoldor's bitcoin wallet): 1AxX8BMNs4fnZXyCpZURqtMDiP1yGY3YMS
- Please add the description "cidre2020" plus "perk name" if you claim one
- PayPal Send money to:
- Please use the "Send money to a friend" function and include your Name, Nickname and "cidre2020" plus "perk name" if you claim one. Thanks!