Recipe:Hefe weisse dunkel FAA
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This is a brewing log dedicated to the development of the Hefe-Weisse Dunkel (Dark Yeast Wheat beer) by me, Algoldor
Hefe-Weisse Dunkel (Dark Wheat Beer) 9/2/2016 (EDW-9/2/2016)
Recipe and aims for this beer brewing session
- Basic conditions desired: alcohol per volume around 5% (alc), original gravity of 1.045, bitterness of IBU 15 SRM, average CO2 for Dunkel Weisse: 3.6-4.48 (BJCD)
- Brew size (culture volume Vc) - Vc = 10 l
- Malts composition:
- 12% (w/v; 1200 g) of Weizen malz (wheat malt)
- 12% (w/v; 1200 g) of München malz (Munich malt)
- Hops composition:
- 0.0146% (w/v; 14.6 g) of Saaz hops (Žatecký Poloranný Červeňák) 2-4.5% of aa (whole plug, 3.3 g at time of boil 0, 3.3 g at time 20 min and 8 g at time 75 min)
- Yeast type
- Safbrew WB-06
- fermentation temperature 18°C (incubator)
- mashing at 73°C for 70 minutes
- wort rolling boil for 75 minutes
- priming later on with 1.23% (w/v; 123.4 g) of organic light brown sugar
Notes of the brewing session
- 16:00 water was ready, 6 l at 82°C, it was let to sit aside to cool a bit
- in the meanwhile cleaning the kitchen and equipment
- 17:00 mashing started with stainless steel false bottom (without straining bag) and house all set in 13 l stainless steel vessel -> mashing tune moved to bed, heating math switched on, tune covered by blankets
- 18:40 lautering started with approximately 11 l of H2O at 75°C
- 19:00 all wort in brewing kettle, wort volume was around 13 l
- 19:22 rolling boil, 3-4 g of Saaz hops added
- NOTE - when mashing and lautering the straining bag was not used on the top of the stainless steel sieve/false bottom, which resulted in pieces of malt floating in the collected wort during the whole process and the wort had to be strained again and returned to the mash, the grain bed was not established well, it was an issue resulting also in lost sugars.
- 19:44 3-4 g of Saaz hops added
- 20:37 8 g of Saaz hops added, brewing boil stopped nearly immediately
- 20:40 brew strained from the hops and cooling started
- 21:00 brew started to be aerated in the fermentation vessel
- specific gravity at 19°C is 1.03 (which is too low)
- 22:00 rehydrated yeast added and fermentation vessel moved to the incubator set at 18°C
- next day 200 g of dissolved dark brown sugar and 200 ml of molasses sirup added to the brew
Post Brewing Notes&Priming
- recommended amount of CO2 in Dunkelweise is 3.6-4.48 volumes by BJCP, table sugar amount for 10 l batch = 1.23% (w/v; 123.4 g)
- for priming light brown organic cane sugar dissolved in 300 ml of H2O
- brew transferred into 13 l stainless pot to avoid yeast cake, sugar added to the brew, mixed and all bottled into 20x 500 ml dark glass bottles and capped, Vc = 10 l, name ==> EDW-9/2/16
- when tasted on several occasions the brew did not have enough body, it was quite high on alcohol decided by taste and had bit sharp flavour and odour. In total it was OK to drink but definitely not representative of the Hefe-Weisse Dunkel style, I would say it kind of “touched” the style.