Ccc2023 review
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Page to review CCC camp 2023
Please add what did and did not work and suggestions for future events.
What went well
- The label printer was nice and found some good uses.
- Ice cube maker was nice again, I guess we could even sell them, quite some people came by asking for ice.
- Food was good
- TV as nice for the presentations, could have been used more, but there wasn't time to set it up correctly.
What did not work so well
- People showed up expecting food when there was none (or asked when there will be), some suggested fixes:
- Black/Whiteboard to note down expected times for which meals
- TV/laptop/tablet with expected meal times (possibly network enabled)
- push notification when what food is/will be ready / is gone (irc/matrix/mastodon/signal/telegram/whatsapp channel, might be a hidden channel as donation perk)
- Only a few people do most of the work, FHB can work more efficiently if the load is shared more.
- Operating result of FHB is still low compared to pre-covid
- Costs are higher (especially all the wood we use) If we have more storage/transportation capabilities we can make or buy some second hand furniture.
- Income is lower (but almost double of MCH)
- We didn't have the samples table to advertise and get more donations in
- Lights, power cables and strips were forgotten, so new ones had to be bought again.
- Consider cheaper drinks at workshops. All the ciders cost quite a bit
Suggestions for future
- Laminating machine to laminate workshop printouts so they can be reused, or for the workshop schedule outside.
- Sell FHB coin for donations? seems to work for Milliways.
- FHB stamp for hacker passport? there were some people asking for a stamp.
- Might be nice to have some poster like things explaining how the Food Hacking Base operates, so it's more clear for people without having to ask what to do.
- Might be a good idea to add to a/the black/white board which tasks need to be done, so volunteers can help out without having to ask around for something to do.
- Only allow vans if they are food hacking related if they are normally not allowed in villages to prevent discussions with orga.